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Why crystal frequency output occur from time to time or frequency hopping?
The release date:2013/6/7 18:01:49   Reading:2275 times
There are several conditions can cause this condition:
a、Crystal supply system problems;
b、Oscillator output and other traces too close, there is a possibility of short circuit;
c、There is the possibility of false welding crystal;
d、Crystal contamination in the production process, the electrode silver layer is not strong, conductive adhesive process issues such as cracking or crystal material in question;
e、Crystal DLD (excitation) crystals appear too large, the "sleep" (stop vibration) phenomenon when the external crystal is changed, such as temperature changes, vibration, again through the power failure, the crystal can be re-oscillation;
f、SC-CUT crystal Since B-mode amplitude exceeds C die, so in SC-CUT OCXO crystal oscillator circuit must increase the B-mode rejection circuit, if the suppression circuit parameters set unreasonable, OCXO output B-mode frequency. B mode frequency is usually C mode 1.08 times, such as 10MHZ OCXO output frequency becomes 10.8MHz B-mode suppression parameter when it was unreasonable;
Note that: If the B-mode rejection circuit parameters unreasonable, B-mode phenomenon occurs randomly, the crystal is powered up again, it is likely to return to normal.
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